消息来源:baojiabao.com 作者: 发布时间:2025-01-25
对于新世代 Sony E-mount 相机一直未有很多确切消息,但今天 sonyalpharumors 引述消息人仕透露,首次有人把玩实机后发放相关规格。
这名消息人仕自称曾有机机一睹 Sony 新 High End E-mount 相机并且有所描述,以下是其口述原文:
〝It is not gonna be a bigger body like canon 1dx but is definitely bigger than the current generation.
The grip is chunkier and taller than the older ones. The screen looked bigger to me as well but still you’ll have a tilting screen. No lateral hinges.
I couldn’t check about the SD card but the photographer was from sand disk so i guess the still use SD card but there’s place for 2 i guess. There’s an interesting lever/button that look like is
for open the card door. They added a nipple joystick for af points selection but the rest is pretty familiar.
I couldn’t check the firmware and the final name since was masked and the software was modified.
The photographer was shooting on the real cam and the burst rate was quite impressive. I guess around 14fps or more by the sound.
I shoot on the 16-35 2.8 but for the other scenes they where using the new 100-400 even tho was all masked with tape to not show.
Size wise the 2 lens are comparable to the competition so i wouldn’t expect the zoom to be faster.〞
意思是新机较现行的 A7 稍大,不过没有如 Canon 1DX 般巨型,手柄位置亦较大,加入了现时没有的控杆焦点控制,超强的连拍速度,双 SD 卡插槽,搭载试机的为 FE16-35mm F2.8 GM 及 FE100-400mm 这两支传闻即将推出的新镜,而 FE16-35mm F2.8 GM 相当具分量,至于这部新机是否就是新 A9,机迷们只好继续留意本网站的报导。
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